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Food is Not the Fixer of All!

Food is a prime player in our celebrations, family gatherings and is usually at the center of our daily rituals of sustenance.  Subsequently, we have allowed food to be the comforter that nurtures our loneliness, boredom, sadness and depression as well as celebrating our successes.  We tend to narrowly focus our attention on physical food to quench our overall nourishment needs.

What then is the answer when we suddenly find ourselves holding the refrigerator door wide open, desperately searching for something to comfort, distract and resolve the current issue that is nagging?

We know that the comfort of food may work to distract us in the short term but in the long term, those mindless calories add up and weigh us down in more ways than the number on the scale.

Weiss Method can help you transition mindless unconscious eating habits into honoring your feelings without using food as a substitute.  Click here to request a free, no obligation consultation to see if Weiss Method is a good fit for you.

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